Frequently Asked Questions
Please click on each FAQ below to view the answer. If you have additional questions just let us know. We will be very glad to help you in any way that we can.
I want to schedule my first physical therapy appointment. What do I need to get started?
Please contact your doctor and request a physical therapy prescription to be sent to our office along with a copy of your insurance information. Your doctor can fax this paperwork to us at (413) 442-7011. Once your paperwork is received our office staff will verify your insurance benefits. If an insurance referral or authorization is required one will be requested. Our office staff will call you to schedule an appointment once all paperwork is in and insurance is verified.
Note: Self-pay patients who are not utilizing insurance are not required to obtain a physical therapy prescription and may call the office at any time to schedule.
What should I bring to my first appointment?
Please bring your insurance card(s), photo ID, list of medications, copay or deductible payment, and any X-ray/MRI reports if you have them.
Will my insurance cover the costs of my physical therapy treatment?
We accept many insurance plans which cover the costs of your treatment less any copay or deductible you are responsible for.
Our office staff will verify your insurance eligibility, however, it is the patient’s responsibility to know and understand their insurance benefits prior to any appointment.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, check, and credit cards.
Who will be involved in my therapy?
Physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, and rehabilitation aides will all be involved in your care as part of our team approach.
Will I always have the same therapist?
Greylock Physical Therapy works under a team approach. You should expect to see both a physical therapist and a physical therapist assistant over the course of your treatment with us.
How long are appointments?
All appointments, including your initial evaluation, will last anywhere from 30 minutes up to 1 hour. Your scheduled one-on-one time with the therapist is 30 minutes. If a PTA/rehab aide is available then you may receive additional treatment under the direction of the therapist. Please note, this may not be available at every appointment.
How often will I have therapy sessions?
Therapy appointments are usually scheduled to take place twice a week for as long as your doctor and/or condition requires. As you make progress we will eventually taper down to one appointment per week with the ultimate goal of getting you discharged to manage on your own with a home exercise program.
What is your cancellation policy?
If you find it necessary to cancel an appointment for any reason we require a 24-hour notice. If you are cancelling last minute due to inclement weather we will ask you to re-schedule a make-up date that week to avoid cancellation charges.
Last minute cancellations and no shows will be charged a $75 fee. (These fees are not covered by insurance. We appreciate your understanding in our efforts to recover this loss.)
When can I expect to start feeling positive results?
It is possible you can start to feel positive results sometimes during or immediately following your first treatment session.
I have been to physical therapy before and it did not help. What can I expect differently at your clinic?
Greylock Physical Therapy prides itself in providing quality one-on-one care for our patients. We offer a different approach to physical therapy by treating the whole body while focusing on specific areas of pain. This allows us to address the cause of dysfunction. You can expect to receive 10-15 minutes of hands on manipulation followed by 15-45 minutes of individualized exercise in standing or other appropriate positions that are specific to your needs. According to our electronic health record company’s data (out of 20 million treatments), Greylock Physical Therapy is ranked in the top 10 percent nationwide for patient progression. We are #1 in the country for shoulder progression. Our patients get better!
If I’m in pain should I still come to my appointment?
If you are in pain, you should still come to your therapy treatment. Many of our manual techniques are performed in a standing position or on the table, and your symptoms will likely reduce significantly. It is also important for us to review your plan of care to determine if any changes should be made to avoid further symptoms.
What will happen when I am discharged?
Upon discharge you will be given a home exercise program to manage with on your own. It is important to attend your discharge appointment so we can ensure you understand your home program, go over any questions you might have and satisfy insurance requirements with reporting your outcome. We will also complete a final discharge report to send to your doctor.
Some patients choose to continue their therapy for maintenance purposes following discharge. This is a self-pay service and involves meeting with your therapist as often as you like to continue progressing your general fitness. The fee for this is $90 per half hour.
What if I need to obtain copies of my physical therapy medical records?
To request medical records please see the front desk to sign a record release form. If you are not in the office you may also request to do this via email or fax.*
*Greylock PT follows state guidelines regarding fees for medical records requests. For records exceeding 10 pages there is a base fee of $15. The first pages are $0.50 each. Any pages beyond 100 are $0.25 each. Please see Massachusetts State General Law – Part I, Title XVI, Chapter 111, Section 70 for additional verbiage on this matter.