Our Services
Physical Therapy | Integrative Functional Nutrition Consulting | Custom Orthotics Casting
At Greylock Physical Therapy we focus on the dynamics of the whole body to determine your strengths and weaknesses.
Physical Therapy: How we work.
Your first appointment with us will be an evaluation. During this appointment, the therapist will perform practical and consistent testing tools to measure and assess all components of function. We watch you move in all planes of motion, take appropriate measurements, discuss causation of dysfunction and prescribe one to two exercises to begin your process of healing.
During treatment, our therapists focus on performing manual techniques in standing positions that are purposeful to our patients. These functional positions allow muscles, joints, and nerves to link and react with each other. As all the individual parts are moving and interacting with one another, we guide motion directly to improve mobility. Traditional techniques on the table are also incorporated, as needed, to facilitate healing.
Customized exercises help strengthen, condition, and maintain gains made during treatment sessions. Progress requires commitment and homework. Each week you will be challenged with performing one or two exercises with increased frequency to create and maintain muscle memory in order to function better. Consistent participation in your home exercise program is critical to your success.
Baumgart Wellness: A division of Greylock PT - Integrative Functional Nutrition Consulting.
Lisa J. Baumgart, MPT, FAFS, CAFS, IFNCP, has received certification as an integrative and functional nutrition practitioner from The Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy.
This type of therapy is a leading, evidence-based, systems biology approach to patient care. It focuses on identifying root causes and imbalances to significantly improve patient health outcomes and sense of well-being.
Through Integrative Functional Nutrition Consulting, we can find the underlying cause of your health problem by working towards balancing the three body systems:
YOUR HORMONAL SYSTEM produces your sex & stress hormones and we can check this through an adrenal test. Stress plays a role in most disease processes.
YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM breaks down food for use by the body and can be assessed through an organix test and GI test.
YOUR DETOX SYSTEM protects you from free radicals and chemical toxicity, both from environment and your diet, which can be assessed through an organix test.
This is very effective at treating the BIG FIVE: Fatigue, Depression, Weight gain, Female hormones, and GI issues.
We are now offering integrative and functional nutrition consulting by appointment in the clinic or by phone. The program would begin with an initial one-on-one consultation to discuss your current health status and the goals you wish to achieve. Lab testing is recommended for you when appropriate and Lisa would interpret these results. You would then receive an individualized therapeutic program based on your lab results along with dietary and lifestyle recommendations.
This is a self-pay service completely separate from physical therapy. If you are interested in getting started please call us for more information at (413) 442-7007, or send an email to the clinic at ljb@greylockpt.com and our office staff will forward the necessary forms and information to get you started.
Our evidence-based systems biology approach to patient care utilizing The Health Restore Program can significantly improve your health outcomes and sense of well-being. The program, combined with the knowledge of our practitioners, will skillfully identify root causes and work towards balancing your hormonal, digestive, and detoxification systems. With The Health Restore Program we focus on comprehensive solutions, “pillars of health”, that include rhythm resetting, nutritional healing, stress resiliency, and functional therapy to improve your health and create long-lasting change. Learn more and view video.
Custom Orthotics Assessment, Fabrication, and Fitting.
Orthotics are medical devices that you wear inside your shoes to correct biomechanical foot abnormalities that cause dysfunction with how you stand, walk, or run.
CUSTOM MADE ORTHOTICS are beneficial for various conditions resulting from poor foot biomechanics. By improving the alignment of your feet, orthotics can significantly reduce stress on all other joints in the body. If it is determined you need orthotics, a thorough gait evaluation is performed. We assess the foot as it relates to the rest of your body and determine the best orthotic device for you. A plaster cast mold of your feet is made at GPT and sent to Biomechanical Services, a company specializing in fabrication of orthotic devices.
The evaluation is typically covered by insurance if you obtain a prescription from your doctor. The orthotic devices themselves are not covered by insurance and offered as a self-pay service.