“Fitness Minutes” Ankle Exercise Video

Hi friends and family,

For "Fitness Minutes" this week I am discussing a few important points about the foot and ankle and how to properly stretch and strengthen this area in preparation for walking, performing basic tasks around your house, and athletic activities. 

As I noted in last week's video, it is important to maximize motion at the ankle in order to avoid injury at another joint further up the biomechanical chain. Since our foot is the first thing to hit the ground when we walk, it is important for it to move well in all planes to set the rest of the body up for success.

On a separate topic, I wanted to provide my Healing Diet Guidelines to help you decrease inflammation and optimize your health during this COVID pandemic. Food is medicine and healing begins in your gut. Eating a healthy, whole foods diet will decrease inflammation and support your immune response to prevent illness. You will also look and feel great! 

Buy as much organic as you can afford and look to your local farmers to provide you with healthy meats and vegetables when possible. Many farmers offer CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) which is a way for people to invest in local agriculture while enjoying delicious, fresh food throughout the season. Here is a link that shows Massachusetts farms and farmers markets.

Have a great week!

In health,
Lisa J. Baumgart, MPT, FAFS, CAFS, IFNCP

"Move to the dance of life - As our dance partner, life insists that we put ourselves in motion that we learn to live with instability, chaos, change, and surprise. We can continue to stand immobilized on the shoreline, trying to protect ourselves from life's insistent storms, or we can begin moving. We can watch our plans be washed away, or we can discover something new." - Margaret Wheatley

View the video below for this week’s “Fitness Minutes” all about the ankles!
Provided by Lisa J. Baumgart, MPT, FAFS, CAFS, IFNCP, owner of Greylock Physical Therapy.

Lisa J. Baumgart, MPT, FAFS, CAFS, IFNCP

Lisa J. Baumgart, MPT, FAFS, CAFS, IFNCP, proprietor of Greylock Physical Therapy (established in 2007), received her master of physical therapy from American International College in 2001. She graduated from Gray Institute in October 2013 with credentialing as a Fellow of Applied Functional Science and certification in Functional Manual Reaction. Lisa also graduated from the Mentorship Program at Kalish Institute for Functional Medicine. This program focuses on diet and lifestyle counseling, lab interpretation, and lab-based supplement program design to address underlying causes of inflammation and disease. Lisa also received certification in October 2019 as an Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner through the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy. Lisa enjoys reading, meditation, gardening, biking, hiking, and spending time with her husband, Jason and two sons, Jacob and Ryan.


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